
Dialysis Access Procedures

Innovative outcome analysis of hemodialysis access procedures

Product Features

Dialyx™ is a robust, scalable, and user friendly outcome-analysis database application for dialysis access procedures. Dialyx™ is HIPAA-compliant with a powerful Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database engine.

Dialyx™ captures all variables that might influence the outcome of dialysis access according to the published reporting standard guidelines. Variables include those of both primary procedures and revisions that aim at maintaining and/or restoring the function of an access.

Dialyx™ has an advanced statistical wizard that calculates patency rates, and assesses different variables that might influence the outcome and determine its statistical significance without user input.

Data entry can be made directly on a user-friendly interface, via scanned forms, and/or on PDA (PALM and Windows CE) . The database engine scales from a small stand-alone system to a huge entreprise database with any number of concurrent users.

Dialyx™ can be installed as a stand-alone application or can be a module of a comprehensive vascular and/or endovascular database, thus providing a complete solution of vascular/endovascular and dialysis access registry.

Dialyx™ interfaces with other hospital systems via HL7 and DICOM interfaces. For example, images of duplex studies can be reviewed within the patient chart.